

Culture Nabe


As part of establishing a design station, from 2015 our faculty has been conducting a renovation project of the International Student Exchange Room (Room 305) together with Culture Nabe. Students of various nationalities, including Japanese and international, have joined with staff to create a DIY space for international exchange based on student ideas and designs.

What is Culture Nabe: International Communication (official name: English Community Space)?
Culture Nabe is an initiative to promote internationalization by providing a space for students and students of all nationalities to interact. Launched in October 2014 at the Kyushu University Faculty of Design, it includes a weekly English conversation lesson and international exchange events. All staff and students are welcome to attend.

For details
Geiko Global

Faculty of Design Student Affairs: 092-553-4586
Global Student Exchange Center (Ohashi Campus) 092-553-4477

A gathering of members from all around the world
English conversation lesson
Creating the International Student Exchange Room


This is an archive of images, videos and documents recording our activities up until now.
You can download a file by selecting the thumbnail.

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Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Design for LGBTs and an Inclusive Society
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus