

Materials Library – KID’s Material Box

KID’s Material Box is a library of materials for design, featuring a collection of various materials including paper, wood, resins, textiles, and metals. By encouraging students to be inspired through direct contact with these materials, the Box cultivates the material sense required in design. The library contains displays of the latest construction materials as well as those used in everyday products, and allows students to examine and test their designs while viewing material samples. The Box helps to expand the potential of material-led design innovation through knowledge of the processing methods, physical properties, and practical features of various materials.

Materials display
Materials and design seminar


This is an archive of images, videos and documents recording our activities up until now.
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Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Design for LGBTs and an Inclusive Society
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus