
Research Collaboration

Visit to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, Sydney University

We visited the University of Sydney, Department of Japanese Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning. After a tour of the facilities, we discussed the possibility of collaborating on research and education: specifically, on research carried out at the Department of Environmental Design at the Kyushu University Faculty of Design (including research in the Asia region) that integrate arts and sciences; we also discussed plans intended for implementation by this same department to become an international hub for environmental design.

With the Department of Japanese Studies, we decided to continue discussions in regard to historical and regional studies as well as student exchanges in Japan and Asia. With the Faculty of Architecture, we verified their intentions to collaborate on research and education in architecture and design studies.

Going forward, we will discuss concrete possibilities for research and education, including collaborations with international hubs for environmental design (such as joint studios), and swiftly push forward systematic ties in education and research, including student exchanges.


This is an archive of images, videos and documents recording our activities up until now.
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Design for LGBTs and an Inclusive Society
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Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus
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Ohashi campus
Ohashi campus