

Symposium on Content Business Producer Development

February 12th, 2018 (Monday)

A content business producer development symposium will be held.

For this year, with the support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in collaboration with the Kyushu University Business School (QBS) and the Kyushu University Robert T. Huang Entrepreneurs Center (QREC), we have been holding lectures, seminars, joint seminars, consortium meetings, etc. for the purpose of nurturing human resources capable of organizational management. The symposium discussed the results of students work, the content business in the future and envisioning the future human resources required and the development methods.

15:30 Opening of venue
16:00 Opening Address
16:05 Special Lecture by Tomoya Nakata (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Commerce and Service Group, Service Policy Division)
16:35 Student Poster Presentation
17:35 Break
17:45 Panel Discussion
[Theme] “Human resources required for the future content business”
18:45 Closing Address
19:00 Closing
19:30 Networking Party (Water site.OTTO 1-16-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City Nishitetsu Inn Fukuoka, 1F)

Kazuhiro Katsuki (Director, Digital Business Department, Media Business Bureau, Kyushu Asahi Broadcasting Co., Ltd.)
Sadamu Fujioka (CEO of anno lab Inc.)
Taichiro Miyazaki (Cyber ​​Connect Two Inc. Vice President)
Tatsushi Momen (President, Koo-Ki Co., Ltd.)


February 12th, 2018 (Monday)


ACROS Arena Hall

1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City 810-0001


Content-related companies interested in this business, government, and universities


Fee required (Working adult 4000 yen / Student 2000 yen)


This is an archive of images, videos and documents recording our activities up until now.
You can download a file by selecting the thumbnail.

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