

Public Seminar: “Design for SDGs in Fukuoka 2017”

What can design achieve with regards to social problems?

What can design achieve with regards to the SDGs?

This was a talking event that discussed the relationship between design and social problems by centrally focusing on the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) set out by the UN.

We looked into the possibilities for design dealing with social problems while sharing cases of designs that were produced in the Global Goals Jam design workshop held for the SDGs since 2016 and the designs that were created together with citizens at the Universal City Fukuoka design workshop.

This event was held as part of the Design for SDGs in Fukuoka 2017 – Global Goals Jam Fukuoka / Universal City Fukuoka design workshop.


Part 1 Social Designs
“What is inclusive design?” Yasuyuki Hirai (Professor at Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University)
“Universal City and Fukuoka Design Workshop” Kaori Ien (Academic Researcher at Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University)
“Global Goals Jam” Shinichiro Ito (Technical staff at Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University)

Part 2 “Real Welfare Cases and the Possibilities for Design”
“The Environment Everyone Can Create” Atsushi Fujikawa (Representative from Curio 3D)
“Disabilities and Future Jobs” Daisuke Kobayashi (Tanpopo-no-ie)


September 15th (Fri), 2017 17:30-19:00


Fukuoka Growth NEXT 1F Startup cafe


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