

Environmental Design Global Hub: Kickoff Symposium

Environmental Design Global Hub held a kickoff Symposium “Current State and Challenges of Urban Heritage in Asia” on 18. Feb. 2017, 9:30AM-12:30PM, at Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University.
Participants were young researchers from Bangladesh Univ. of Engineering and Technology, University of the Philippines, Premier University, National University of Singapore, Taipei University of Technology, UNSW Sydney and Yangon Technological University.

Following is the objective of the Symposium;
In rapid developing Asian countries, it is urgent to evaluate and conserve historical structures as cultural heritages. Especially, vernacular structures tend to be forgotten in the shadow of monumental/public buildings.
However, these historical structures are potentially a source of cultural pride and a basis of social integrity. Environmental Design Global Hub, newly-launched research center in Kyushu University, provide a common ground for researchers from Asian countries to share awareness of issues and exchange ideas to take a positive step forward.


This is an archive of images, videos and documents recording our activities up until now.
You can download a file by selecting the thumbnail.

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Ohashi campus